Macro Trends
Despite this platform mainly providing fashion based forecasting, it is of major significance, as a business, to understand the current climate and how that can affect consumer lifestyle shifts. As important as it might be to educate yourselves on the more detailed sectors, you don't want to lose sight of the bigger picture.
01 // Emotion Economy
Considering the impacts of the pandemic, the younger generations have decided they want out! With many people feeling like they have lost out of their twenties due to lockdowns, the push for travel and adopting new lifestyles that differ to their pre-pandemic selves is highly desired by Generation Z in the coming years.
02 // Emotion Economy
With conversations around mental health becoming an increasingly common topic in our society, the wellness sector is reaping all the rewards. Ensuring that consumers are feeling heard, understood and their emotions are accounted for is something all brands must be practising within their marketing and product design. Colour is a fundamental tool to expressing specific emotions, allowing consumers to see their product as a form of therapy through the colour palettes decided.